Iss sstv software amateur

Iss sstv uses a kenwood tm d710e transceiver which is part of the amateur radio station located in. Slow scan or sstv is a method of sending still pictures or images over the airwaves. The sstv systems will be used to send jpg images to and from earth by amateur radio. Sstv ariss ham radio stations usually operate as na1ss rs0iss running kenwood d700 and d710 radios. Slow scan television sstv is transmitted by the ariss russia team from the amateur radio station in the russian service module of the international space station using the callsign rs0iss.

It was interesting to hear that more iss sstv activity is planned, this time using pd120 mode. When i invented the pd120 mode in 1997 it was an attempt to provide a high resolution image for hf work with a faster frame time than the threeminute pd180 mode. The russian segments mai 75 sstv has announced transmissions on monday, april 2, 1505 1830 utc, and on tuesday, april 3, 1415 1840 utc. Special thanks to the astronat richard garriott w5kwq aboard iss for his extra efforts to communicate with fellow hams, setting up the hamequipment for sstv, repeater mode, aprs and so much more. For information about using the iss packet system, check out this resource provided by joanne maenpaa, k9jkm. Slow scan tv from iss january 3031 southgate amateur radio.

Iss sstv uses a kenwood tm d710e transceiver which is part of the amateur radio station located in the russian iss service module. Is there a way to add that mode to the available choices. To send and receive messages, you need to connect your amateur radio rig to a computer, and then use software to send and decode images. During july 20 24, 2017 the iss international space station was transmitting sstv slow scan television images down to earth in celebration of the ariss amateur radio on the iss 20th anniversary. When a space suit expires its sell by date it is now traditional to deploy it as a novel oscar satellite orbiting radio beacon e. The images are always transmitted in sstv mode pd 120 on the frequency 145. Watch ariss site for upcoming projects in 2020 the image above was captured with a very basic setup.

Digital master 780 is a windows multimode program which uses ham radio deluxe. Sstv slow scan television is an amateur radio image transmission mode, to transmit and receive pictures via radio. Sstv images commemorating the 35th anniversary amateur radio on human spaceflight missions, sent through the amateur radio system installed on the russian segment of the international space station. Most sstv software allows for both sending and receiving sstv signals, with the ability to autodetect which mode is being received. Quick start for mmsstv graphics by joe wj5hm mmsstv slant adjust by rick wb0vzw getting started with sstv qst sept.

Examples of received iss sstv images in robot36 using rx sstv 16. Feb 22, 2015 with the current sstv experiments, the iss transmits photos in the pd180 mode on 145. More information about amateur radio on the iss can be found on the ariss website. The amateur radio station aboard the international space station is known as the ariss program amateur radio on the international space station.

On dm780, i am attempting to capture sstv from the iss as it transmits images during the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 landing. Since its first flight in 1983, ham radio has flown on more than twodozen space shuttle missions. Receiving and decoding sstv from the international space station iss posted on february 10, 2019 by dk3ml during the weekend from 08. Amateur radio on the international space station ariss is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the international space station iss. Sstv with dm780 ham radio deluxe peer support forums. Onboard the iss is a small vhfuhf amateur radio station used to talk to children during school events and other amateur radio operators. Sstv from mir, international space station, and satellites. Sstv pictures received from the iss on august 26, 2006 marexmg iss spacecam1 project how to access the iss slow scan tv ariss amateur radio equipment on iss sstv pictures received from the iss from iss fan club more sstv pictures from iss received on 145. Ham radio sstv from the space station iss sstv mai75 image 912 received by chertsey radio club on baofeng handheld the intermai amateur radio slow scan television experiment in the russian service module of the international space station is scheduled to be activated jan 30 feb 1 on 145. Most frequently you will find sstv operations on the hf bands, notably on 20 meters, but there is also a bit of sstv activity on the 2 meter band, especially when the international space station activates their slow scan amateur. Fax480 and sstv interfaces and software qst july 1998, pp. Jan 24, 2019 ham radio sstv from the space station the intermai amateur radio slow scan television experiment on the international space station is scheduled to be activated jan 30 feb 1 on 145. An sstv system is an integral part of one of the ariss ham radio stations, na1ss rs0iss in the service module.

An interface will also provide 1 an easy way to adjust sound levels, 2 isolation of computer sounds, 3 isolation of stray rf, and 4 a simplified way to configure an external ptt circuit. He became the first radioamateur to talk to hams while orbiting earth. Receiving and decoding sstv from the international space. Sstv software for ham radio sstv emission amateur radio wiki. Ftv multimode image and data decoding software sstv free. Many of them are free to download and use, while some others are commercial. Sstv operations is a process by which images are sent from the international space station iss via ham radio and received by ham operators, shortwave listeners and other radio enthusiasts on earth, similar to pictures shared on cell phones using twitter or instagram.

Iss frequencies iss fan club for fans of iss and space. More information about upcoming ariss events can be found on their website. The amateur radio slowscan television sstv system on the international space station iss is expected to be active in april on 145. The iss transmits sstv images on celebratory occasions several times a year. I was especially pleased when one of my best images was featured on the amsatuk and the southgate amateur radio news websites. Space stations slowscan television system to be active in april. The 180 refers to the number of seconds needed to complete a transmission, 180 seconds although i have seen some refer to the total transmission time being more like 187 seconds. Dec 20, 2014 sstv slow scan television is an amateur radio image transmission mode, to transmit and receive pictures via radio. Sstv frequencies everything you need to know cw touch. Below are examples of the 12 different images that were received by amateur radio. With the current sstv experiments, the iss transmits photos in the pd180 mode on 145.

Upcoming ariss commemorative sstv event over the next couple months, ariss will be celebrating its 15th anniversary of continuous operations on the iss. This event gave rise to the sarex program shuttle amateur radio. The amateur radio on the international space station ariss program is seeking. A new standard for amateur radio analog facsimile qst feb 1993, pp. Many astronauts and cosmonauts have amateur radio licenses. Sstv operations onboard the iss slow scan television sstv images are sometimes transmitted from the international space station using mmsstv software to transmit stored images. These were received using just an arrow antenna j pole antenna, yaesu ft857, and tigertronics. Slow scan tv sstv from the international space station. This weekend has seen another sstv event from the international space station, this time in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of ariss amateur radio on the international space station the 20 year history of ariss was displayed through a collection of 12 images highlighting the accomplishments of the project over the last two decades.

Dec 18, 2017 most of the software for packet and digital amateur radio communications is written for the windows os so using a separate laptop running windows 10 was the simplest way to go. Most people looking for free sstv for windows 10 downloaded. The iss runs an amateur satellite service under the amateur radio on the international space station or ariss program. Receiving sstv images from the iss with a vdipole and rtlsdr. Every so often the crew of the iss will transmit images from a computer that they have connected to the vhfuhf transceiver using a mode called slow scan television or sstv. The sstv systems will be used to send jpg images to and from earth by amateur. Mmsstv is freeware that lets you see what you have been missing at no cost. From december 0608 the iss again send sstv pictures. A builtin computer sound card may not be stable enough for sstv. Feb 03, 2019 sstv operations is a process by which images are sent from the international space station iss via ham radio and received by ham operators, shortwave listeners and other radio enthusiasts on earth, similar to pictures shared on cell phones using twitter or instagram. Hamtv system currently unavailable antennas a set of four antenna systems are deployed in the iss service module supporting the current installation of the kenwood d700 and d710 radios. Ariss sstv images were transmitted this weekend from the amateur radio station in the iss russian service module to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the apollosoyuz mission. Sstv works similarly to a fax machine where the image is displayed line by line from top to bottom and left to right until the entire image appears. Sstv operations slow scan television sstv images can be transmitted from the international space station.

Some of the pictures referred to the recent celebrations of the nota nasa on the air. Iss rx sstv above sstv image i received january 2019 from iss 145800 mhz fm mode pd120 using rx sstv free software with simple folded dipole in the loft space. What was slightly worrying and it also happened during the last sstv activities were some operators transmitting on the downlink frequency even during a pass, what sounded like someone keying up was responsible for the single noise line on another perfect image. The same radio and antenna setup used to speak with an iss astronaut during. Television sstv is transmitted by the ariss russia team from the amateur. The equipment used is a kenwood d710 transceiver running about 25 watts output which provides a very strong signal enabling reception using simple equipment. In the amateur radio world, this allows you to send images as data to each other ober amateur radio.

Download and install the sstv software above into a windows 95 or windows 98 desktop or later computer. The daily mail reports that 22yearold radoslaw karwacki received the recent amateur radio slow scan television sstv transmissions from the iss. I can use mmsstv and capture the images but i would like to use dm780. On this page you will find images from the expedition 61 mai75 january 2020 mission. Sstv sites monitors websites which have sstv images uploaded to. Rx sstv is an easy and back to basics sstv decoding program. Radoslaw radek used an rtlsdr dongle costing about. To receive the images you can use a simple rtlsdr dongle and the mmsstv software. The iss sstv system will support twoway sstv image transmission. Quick start for mmsstv graphics by joe wj5hm mm sstv slant adjust by rick wb0vzw getting started with sstv qst sept.

Iss rxsstv above sstv image i received january 2019 from iss 145800 mhz fm mode pd120 using rxsstv free software with simple folded dipole in the loft space. Even though the radio used for iss sstv puts out 25 watts, which is a lot for an amateur radio satellite, the signal is still relatively weak when its hundreds of miles away and hundreds of miles high. Most frequently you will find sstv operations on the hf bands, notably on 20 meters, but there is also a bit of sstv activity on the 2 meter band, especially when the international space station activates their slow scan amateur station. Black and white as well as color images can be sent. Today there are many software applications available that will allow you to. Ariss sstv award amateur radio in space iss fan club.

The location information you submit should be latitude and longitude, please. Please note that sstv events are dependent on other activities, schedules and crew responsibilities on the iss and subject to change at any time. This service lets you contact the iss where you can talk to amateur radio astronauts, but every now and then ariss runs special slow scan television sstv events where it broadcasts images over 145. Low audio for iss sstv transmissions raises issue of crews ability to. Ariss will be supporting sstv transmissions worldwide in memory of. On november, 2000 the crew conducted their first ham radio contacts on iss and on december 21, 2000 ariss conducted their first school contact with the burbank school in burbank, illinois. Sstv software for ham radio sstv emission category is a curation of 21 web resources on, ofdm tv, slowrx, mixw v3. Amateurs from the iss partner countries, in the usa, russia, japan, europe and canada, have set up the ariss program to foster amateur. Best sstv software the dxzone amateur radio internet guide. Ham radio sstv from the space station the intermai amateur radio slow scan television experiment on the international space station is scheduled to be activated jan 30 feb 1 on 145. To view, or submit, sstv received images transmitted from the iss and to follow sstv operations, check out the iss sstv blog site. When astronauts, cosmonauts and mission specialists from many nations fly on the international space station, they will have amateur, or ham, radio as a constant companion. If you want to get ready for spacecam1 and vch1 slow scan tv, then now is the time to start setting up your systems. The video above was made during the reception of an sstv image from the iss during a pass over the united states.

We configured macdoppler to track the iss and perform doppler correction on the 2m iss 2m downlink and began to listen. Sstv slow scan tv is one of the few ways to send and receive images from all over the world via radio. When this event becomes active, sstv images will be transmitted from the iss at the frequency of 145. K3as sstv web page, describes amateur sstv and offers advice on starting an sstv station. Space stations slowscan television system to be active. An external sound card or sound card interface is highly recommended. Low audio for iss sstv transmissions raises issue of crews. Special thanks to the astronat richard garriott w5kwq aboard iss for his extra efforts to communicate with fellow ham s, setting up the ham equipment for sstv, repeater mode, aprs and so much more.

Receiving iss international space station sstv slow scan. The russian segments mai 75 sstv has announced transmissions on monday, april 2, 1505 1830 utc, and on tuesday, april 3, 1415. Ariss hardware manager lou mcfadin, w5did, is asking for help characterizing the signal from the iss. However, they are using pd120 mode and that mode is not available in dm780. Amateur radio operators have been using sstv since the 1950s. Feb 24, 2015 receiving slow scan television picture on 145. Pictures typically take about one minute to be received. Another benefit of the second laptop was added screen space to use when doing packet communications via satellites and the international space station iss. If you want operate sstv, these are the most popular ham radio sstv apps. Sstv or slow scan television is an amateur radio mode which is used to transmit small images over radio signals. Jul 08, 2018 last updated 20180708 my latest iss sstv video table of contents next planned event recommended decoding software tracking the iss what to expect during a pass hints next planned event the ariss sstv blog is the most authoritative source on iss sstv event info as it is maintained by the iss ham project coordinator, who.